Fostering Collective Development in Business.

Helping organisations and their people develop cultures that unleash potential and enhance well-being for all.

12 billion

workdays are lost annually due to depression and anxiety, costing the global economy nearly US$ 1 trillion.

Mental Health at Work - WHO


of the working population are showing a tendency towards disengagement.

Mind Health Report - AXA

Can the work environment become a place where we not only get by but flourish together?

Together-led strategies for business performance and self-improvement.

In today’s environment, both organisations and employees struggle when facing the challenges of this rapid-changing world, navigating overlapping crises, adversity, and uncertainty.

For the organisation, this may materialise in reduced performance, lack of innovation, poor well-being, ineffective teamwork, and difficulty adapting to change.

On the individual level, employees may feel burnout, don’t advance in their careers, experience low engagement, frustration, and reduced motivation.

Overall, this prevents the organisation and its people from advancing and reaching their highest potential. Understanding their interconnected nature is crucial; when individuals struggle, the organisation feels the impact as a whole, and vice-versa.

Connection Camino helps organisations, teams, and leaders with conscious leadership, organisational culture, and community building to foster a healthy, aligned, cohesive work environment that will unleash collective development so we can thrive together.

For Organisations

Culture - Bespoke program to create the organisational culture that will unleash collective development for your team(s) and organisation, 100% aligned with the business goals.

For Individuals

Nurture the parts within you with the highest potential for your transformation into a conscious leader through:

Circle - Self-development group program

Care - Individual mentoring sessions

Workers want healthy work cultures, not self-care perks.

Healthy and sustainable cultures of work are rated more helpful than therapy and self-care resources.

Mental Health at Work Report - Mind Share Partners

Next Events

Workshops, masterclasses, community gatherings… Check out the upcoming events in the Connection Camino ecosystem.
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What we is necessary in times of change?

What does your I need to become in the new we?

We’re wired to thrive together.

Balancing short-term goals with long-term business development, adopting sustainable and social responsibility practices, nurturing stakeholder well-being, adapting to a fast-paced landscape, staying up to date with technological advancements, practicing self-care to avoid burnout, ensuring consistent performance…

Have you ever felt alone or overwhelmed navigating the complexity of the current business world?

This is a journey with many heroes - those who understand that these challenges can’t be overcome alone. And don’t want to.

A journey about realising both collective and individual potential.

Transform the way we work, lead, and thrive together.

I feel more confident and with more self-awareness and self-compassion. The sessions helped me a lot to slow down and focus. Also to identify situations at work or feelings I had in the past, which were seeds for my burnout. It has a mirror effect - a tool to change the way you see, and thus, you act. The fact of knowing that Judit talks from experience gives you confidence and creates a common space of mutual understanding.”

Raquel Priego. Co-Founder of Trip To Help

“The industrial-age way in which people work has eroded the very essence of what makes us an effective species. Today’s leaders must unlearn the behaviours of the past so that we can move into a future where people work better together in the pursuit of meaningful impact. Judit’s inspiring approach combines purposeful work and human leadership that will positively impact the lives and work of anyone fortunate enough to work with her.”

Alex Hirst. Joint CEO & Co-Founder of The Workstyle Revolution

Connection because we evolve together.

Camino because transformation is a journey.

Connection Camino is a methodology designed to create and nurture systems of belonging where we thrive together. Rooted in authenticity, balance, and interconnection, it aligns with the goals of both your organisation and the individuals, leveraging the potential for exponential development that arises when challenges are approached collectively.

Connection Camino emerges from the intersection of these fields:

Conscious Leadership

Cultivating self-awareness, emotional intelligence, personal purpose and values to lead and evolve authentically. It fosters a holistic understanding of the impact of one’s actions and behaviours on others and the world.

Organisational Culture

Designing the shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that will characterise how people interact with each other, make decisions, nurture well-being, and evolve in the workplace align with the organisation’s goals. It sets the environment for business performance to flourish.

Community Building

Embracing the organic development of the collective - the new frontiers that will unfold when we grow together. It encourages co-creation, mutual learning, peer-to-peer support, and experimentation in safe environments.

  • Culture Connection Camino

    For Organisations

    Bespoke program to create the organisational culture that will unleash collective development for your team(s) and organisation, 100% aligned with the business goals.

  • Circle Connection Camino

    For Individuals

    The self-development program to connect with yourself and others and collectively evolve into the leader you’re meant to be.

  • Care Connection Camino

    For Individuals

    Individual sessions to tap into your leadership potential through a personalised journey of personal growth.

Are you interested in knowing more about the possibilities of Connection Camino for your organisation or for your personal development?

Be part of something that produces results much bigger than you can produce on your own.

Judit embodies authenticity, aliveness and openness to life's ever changing nature. Through her mentorship I found more trust and confidence in the flowing nature of life, remembering that it's like water—always in motion, sometimes calm and at times intense, forever transforming. Judit reminded me that I have the power to navigate the waves, choosing to ride them with courage and to just embrace every fall.“

Teresa Riosa. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Specialist

“Judit’s work is so engaging and aligned with our values. Business Directors are role models for the rest of the Hoxby community, so it is key for us to have a fully-workstyle-committed team. She puts so much care, effort, and attention into building this, doing so in such style. She is an absolute joy to work with - reliable, passionate, always goes above and beyond.”

Lizzie Penny. Co-Founder & Joint CEO of Hoxby

If the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,
what can we become together?