The strength of the team is each member.
The strength of each member is the team.

Have it all.

Unlock both collective and individual potential with Connection Camino.

Work, lead, and thrive together.

Culture as Business Strategy

Beyond temporary interventions or separate initiatives provided only for a few, Connection Camino is a methodology that hardwires development for the organisation as a whole, developing cultures that unlock potential and enhance well-being for all stakeholders.

Turn your organisation into an incubator of people’s growth and enjoy the business results that come from individuals continuously surpassing their own limits while pursuing business excellence.

As an individual, the work environment invites and encourages you to making progress in your self-development, to evolve authentically showing you the edges of your potential and supporting you in surpassing them. So you can become the conscious leader you’re meant to be.

Principles for Collective Development


Belonging in uniqueness

Belonging is the recognition of our full humanity without having to become something different or pretend we’re all the same. Our differences are not seen as a threat to cohesion but as catalysts for synchronicity and innovation, through the complementary nature of diverse perspectives and experiences.


Well-being as the source

Well-being is paramount to nurturing the fertile soil for development to flourish. It’s the regulation of energy levels and emotions to always go back to center, the constant practice of self-care that creates the balance in the various aspects of personal life and of the business areas.


Better me, better us

The development of individuals is intrinsically connected to the development of the team. People experiencing their own unfolding is equally important as everyone witnessing, supporting, and even provoking this unfolding in others.

No extras
Overcoming personal limitations is an integrated part of working through business challenges.

Rethink the place of people development in business.

Dimensions of Development

Connection Camino understands there are two dimensions to consider when we look at the individual in relationship with the organisation.

  • The inner, rooted in self-awareness of the individual.

  • The outer, the expression of the inner in the collective.

Areas of Development

6 areas of development are interconnected through the two dimensions, where the inner is the source of the outer.

These 6 areas don’t operate separately either, as they can affect each other, given they are all part of the same human being.

  • The inner beliefs we use to process reality and the fears that can block us, expressed as the way we make decisions in the workplace and how we navigate change.

  • The sense of self-value and vision of our potential, which correlates to our approach to the business goals and vision, and the approach to achieve them.

  • How we speak to ourselves especially in adversity, and how that translates in providing feedback and conflict resolution.

  • The feeling of being held, safe, and part of something bigger, expressed as the level of engagement and belonging with the organisation.

  • The way we perceive our skills and limitations, and what we do to overcome them in the workplace.

  • The connection to our intuition and values alignment, which is linked to the perception of the organisational culture, motivation, and leadership.

The Process

The journey of transformation with an iterative and input-driven approach.

  • Following the Connection Camino diagnosis wheel, we assess the current estate of the organisation in terms of collective development. The tool works at the individual level in relationship with the collective, and can be used in 1:1 sessions, team workshops, or for the whole organisation.

  • Based on the diagnosis, we work together to identify possibilities for change, formulate a strategy, and develop an action + implementation plan aligned with the business and individual goals. As well as available resources and feedback mechanisms. Depending on the nature of the work, this is co-created with the HR/People/Culture team, team lead(s), founder(s), or individually.

  • The organisation/team/individual(s) proceed to activate and execute the planned interventions with the agreed support of Connection Camino. This involves implementing changes in daily practices, communication channels, workflows, leadership tools, and other relevant areas identified during the diagnosis phase.

  • After the implementation phase has produced enough inputs, the feedback mechanisms evaluate progress and identify challenges. This can come from performance metrics, quantitative surveys, focus groups, interviews, and comparison of diagnosis wheels. The data and inputs collected are analysed by Connection Camino.

  • The feedback conclusions are presented so we can reflect together. This is a phase of no action, but integrating on the strengths and weaknesses that have arisen, sitting with the lessons learned, and preparing for future iterations. This stage acts as pause and re-charge before engaging in a new loop to keep on evolving toward a culture of collective development.

I feel more confident and with more self-awareness and self-compassion. The sessions helped me a lot to slow down and focus. Also to identify situations at work or feelings I had in the past, which were seeds for my burnout. It has a mirror effect - a tool to change the way you see, and thus, you act. The fact of knowing that Judit talks from experience gives you confidence and creates a common space of mutual understanding.”

Raquel Priego. Co-Founder of Trip To Help

“The industrial-age way in which people work has eroded the very essence of what makes us an effective species. Today’s leaders must unlearn the behaviours of the past so that we can move into a future where people work better together in the pursuit of meaningful impact. Judit’s inspiring approach combines purposeful work and human leadership that will positively impact the lives and work of anyone fortunate enough to work with her.”

Alex Hirst. Joint CEO & Co-Founder of The Workstyle Revolution

Judit embodies authenticity, aliveness and openness to life's ever changing nature. Through her mentorship I found more trust and confidence in the flowing nature of life, remembering that it's like water—always in motion, sometimes calm and at times intense, forever transforming. Judit reminded me that I have the power to navigate the waves, choosing to ride them with courage and to just embrace every fall.“

Teresa Riosa. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Specialist

“Judit’s work is so engaging and aligned with our values. Business Directors are role models for the rest of the Hoxby community, so it is key for us to have a fully-workstyle-committed team. She puts so much care, effort, and attention into building this, doing so in such style. She is an absolute joy to work with - reliable, passionate, always goes above and beyond.”

Lizzie Penny. Co-Founder & Joint CEO of Hoxby

Self-development at the core.

The Inner Development Goals framework assists us in navigating and developing our inner lives to catalyse outer change.

The framework is rooted in interdisciplinary research and consists of 5 dimensions with 23 skills of human inner growth and development.

Connection Camino uses transformational tools for Conscious Leadership, Organisational Culture, and Community Building which explore the dimensions of Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating, and Acting.

Beyond the organisation - peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Connection Camino supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals framework and directly contributes to the call to action of goals 3 and 8.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Crafting a new perspective in dynamic times, to lead and transform the business world with consciousness and courage.


Connection Camino’s methodology for Collective Development is inspired by the work of the Presencing Institute on Theory U, Othering and Belonging Institute’s (OBI) Belonging Design Principles, the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework, Laura Storm and Giles Hutchin’s work on Regenerative Leadership, Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey’s model of Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO), Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory (aka AQAL), IMU Augsburg’s Integral Map, Frederic Laloux’s Reinventing Organizations, Nora Bateson’s work around Warm Data, and Carol Sanford’s work on Regenerative Business. And many more thinkers, doers, researchers, change-makers on the topics of belonging, culture, well-being, systems change, regenerative business, coaching, learning and development, and consciousness.